Comments on: The Importance of Freelancing in Today’s Working World Tips, tools, & training for new and aspiring copywriters. Wed, 05 Jul 2023 05:28:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nicki Krawczyk Tue, 22 Sep 2020 15:11:54 +0000 In reply to Jennifer Mayberry.

Hi Jennifer,

You’re absolutely right, your “unrealistic” dream of working at home isn’t actually unrealistic in the least! 🙂 I’m so glad you’re enjoying the CCA so far – and I’m so glad it’s opened up your career horizons!

Thanks for commenting!

By: Nicki Krawczyk Tue, 22 Sep 2020 15:04:50 +0000 In reply to Meran Khon.

Hi Meran,

You’re right – having variety in your experience will make you even more of a marketable copywriter. And, of course, having a natural aptitude for writing (as I suspect you have from reading in between the lines) will be the best base to build on.

Thanks for commenting!

By: Jennifer Mayberry Thu, 17 Sep 2020 19:59:31 +0000 I have wanted to work from home for some time, and I have done so. Unfortunately, I am not cut out for a lot of at home jobs that require a lot of complicated screens and details. I failed miserably as a telephone dispatcher, for instance. It just wasn’t me. I have had some remote content and other writing gigs since then, but they either didn’t pay well, and or involved writing in a way that made me uncomfortable. There were also better paying versions of these jobs didn’t seem sustainable, because they required such a high volume of work in a short time.. I was afraid it would crush my soul and kill any desire to write for myself, even if I could get fast enough to do those jobs.. As an artistic person, I have always fallen back on in person customer service jobs. Then the you-know-what hit the fan. I got Covid, and became a long-hauler; sick for months. I soon realized I may never be able to work one of those physically demanding, feet killing jobs again. My “unrealistic” dreams of working at home no longer seemed so unrealistic, but I didn’t know what I would do. Before learning about the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, I no idea how broad the field of copywriting was, how well it paid compared to content writing, or that free-lance copywriting was a thing. So far, it seems pretty cool!

By: Meran Khon Wed, 16 Sep 2020 18:17:30 +0000 I’m a teacher looking at retirement in five years. With an English degree, 20+ years in education, my experience as a middle school language arts teacher, 3rd grade teacher, and now technology/library/STEAM teacher, I’m hoping my “jack-of-all trades” skill set translates well into copywriting. I love to learn, read, write, consider myself pretty creative, and am self-motivated, so sounds like this might be a good fit.

By: Nicki Krawczyk Wed, 16 Sep 2020 14:58:56 +0000 In reply to Anna Matetic.

Hi Anna,

I agree – having multiple skills (like having multiple clients) is always a good idea! And one silver lining of this whole terrible COVID situation is that even more companies than before are understanding how feasible it is to work with people remotely. 🙂

Thanks for commenting!

By: Anna Matetic Tue, 15 Sep 2020 15:02:46 +0000 I found a great career I love in technical writing starting in 2006. But since 2008, I have been laid off 3 times. During the 2008 crash, that layoff lasted 3 years because I live in a small area far from a bigger metro and could not relocate. This last layoff put me in the same boat – I cannot relocate. I’ve worked for great management and I am lucky that I didn’t have much to complain about in any of those jobs in the last 14 years.

But THREE layoffs? I am now in the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy and taking advantage of my state’s CLIMB program where I can collect unemployment while starting a business (many states offer this! if you are collecting unemployment look it up in your state).

Just like investing, diversifying your monthly income is a good idea I like. If I have multiple clients, if 50% of them lay me off in a bad economy, I still have 50% of my income. That’s not the case with an all-or-nothing job. I’ve worked remote for most of my career and would like to continue to do so.

By: Nicki Krawczyk Tue, 15 Sep 2020 13:41:15 +0000 In reply to Angela.

Hi Angela,

You’re very astute – anything that’s worthwhile *will* take some work. But, it’ll absolutely be worth it! All of the best things in life challenge us to get out of our comfort zones and put in a some effort but when we do we’re rewarded with huge transformations. 🙂

Thanks for commenting!

By: Nicki Krawczyk Tue, 15 Sep 2020 13:39:51 +0000 In reply to Halina.

Hi Halina,

I can empathize with you wanting work that will travel with you – it’s amazing to be able to work from wherever you are, be that Cartegena or your kitchen table. (I can’t *wait* to be able to travel again!) And good for you for taking the plunge at the beginning of the year; I’ve seen more often than not that the universe seems to reward the brave. 🙂

Thanks for commenting!

By: Nicki Krawczyk Tue, 15 Sep 2020 13:33:51 +0000 In reply to Shannon Broad.

Hi Shannon,

Yay! I love this! Thanks for sharing. 🙂 And you’re right – one of the silver linings of this whole thing (terrible though it is, absolutely) is that the world is fast becoming acclimated to doing everything remotely and that only gives us *more* opportunities.

Thanks for commenting!

By: Nicki Krawczyk Tue, 15 Sep 2020 13:32:18 +0000 In reply to Linda Morrisey.

Hi Linda,

Good for you for viewing it as an opportunity. When you think about it, isn’t it so much more empowering to be in charge of our own careers and incomes, rather than leaving it to whomever happens to be your boss?

Thanks for commenting!
