Comments on: The Biggest Copywriting Print Portfolio Mistake Tips, tools, & training for new and aspiring copywriters. Tue, 04 Jul 2023 07:41:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nicki Krawczyk Wed, 01 Apr 2015 13:05:55 +0000 In reply to Patty Olivarez.

Hi Patty,

Ugh, that’s unfortunate, isn’t it? Many new copywriters find themselves in a similar situation and realize they should have been saving their writing all along. (So, first, now’s the time to make a habit of saving your samples!) Not knowing your fully situation, my first question is whether you can get in touch with any of your old clients to see if *they* still have any of the work you’ve done. You never know—some people keep marketing pieces for years, so it’s definitely worth a shot.

As for what you should say in the second interview, just be honest: Let them know that you’ve done work, but that you didn’t keep the samples and, boy, you wish you had. 🙂 Actually, when you get in touch with your previous clients, even if they don’t still have the pieces, ask them if they’d be willing to give you testimonials about your work. In that case then, right after you explain that you don’t have the samples (if you can’t get them), pull out a sheet with all of the testimonials you can gather. It’s not a perfect situation, but it helps to speak to the fact that 1) you know what you’re doing and that 2) people like you and like your work.

Did this help a bit? Thanks for commenting!

By: Patty Olivarez Fri, 27 Mar 2015 15:55:17 +0000 Nicki, I have a unique situation with my career history…I’ve been self employeed for much of it ranging from the music business to the food business. I started a blog a few years ago for fun. Now I am re-entering the work place and have been called for a second interview to a local company. I don’t exactly have any of my old pieces I’ve done unfortunately seeing as it was for my personal business. Now what? I’m not sure how to handle this when I go on this second interview in a few weeks. Any thoughts?
