Comments on: How to Avoid the Copywriting Niche Trap Tips, tools, & training for new and aspiring copywriters. Tue, 04 Jul 2023 07:57:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terence Tue, 18 May 2021 23:06:27 +0000 A Niche would be most helpful when writing content, although some good research could replace that need too. A ‘deliverable niche’ makes sense in Copy-writing, but yes after a time.

By: Filthy Rich Writer Mon, 22 Mar 2021 14:20:41 +0000 In reply to McAnthony.

Hi Anthonio! Actually, we don’t recommend choosing a niche. Here’s an article that explains why:

By: McAnthony Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:31:47 +0000 I was all in to copywriting, learning all I can about it and then at some point I found out that one has to be in a particular niche so that customers can know the exact aspect you deal with in Copy. So I had to pause for a while and find a niche that I have interest in.

By: Filthy Rich Writer Mon, 08 Mar 2021 20:40:27 +0000 In reply to Cork.

Exactly! Also, asking in-depth and focused questions during the discovery call with a new client should help the copywriter get a better feel for the project/industry.

By: Cork Mon, 08 Mar 2021 15:45:14 +0000 The “Niche” strategy is highly overrated. I am interested in many different areas to write about and see no reason why I would need to focus on just “one” of them.
Research and simple reading for learning more about a particular industry, product, or service combined with a fundamental understanding of persuasive writing (which can be applied to any industry you are asked to write for) is the best strategy.
Yes, I do have some personal focus areas, but that would never stop me from taking on a client in some other field.

By: Dani Mon, 15 Feb 2021 22:28:27 +0000 I have reached for help from other corse leaders I have trained with and every single one of them have told me that my niche is too broad and I need to drill down my website. Because I couldn’t find clients, I built my website to my work.

I am looking forward to getting paying clients!

By: Nicki Krawczyk Wed, 10 Feb 2021 14:28:08 +0000 In reply to Kamille.

Hi Kamille,

Absolutely – you should definitely reach out to companies in industries that you have experience with. But you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) ONLY work for those companies. Does that make sense?

Thanks for commenting!

By: Kamille Wed, 27 Jan 2021 18:05:19 +0000 Hi Nicki,
I’m just starting out on the CCA course and am eager to get right into it!
On the subject of Niches – I totally agree that pigeonholing yourself could be very limiting in terms of potential clients. But does it not also make sense to start out (prospecting) potential clients in areas that you’re personally interested in and knowledgeable about?

By: Nicki Krawczyk Mon, 19 Oct 2020 16:58:51 +0000 In reply to Mary Blackiston.

Hi Mary,

Absolutely – 5 years isn’t a magic number, it’s more of a ballpark. For people who build their businesses slower or are working part-time, they’ll need more time to get experience and see what’s out there. For people who ramp up quickly and/or are working full-time, they may get a sampling of what’s possible faster. I’d mention, though, that even completing 10 ecomm projects doesn’t give someone full sampling; it just gives someone some experience with just ecomm. If they just get experience with ecomm and decide to specialize from there, they don’t know what it’s like to work with other kinds of clients—perhaps even kinds of clients they’d like better or would at least like to include in the mix. Bear in mind, too, that not niching doesn’t mean that a person can’t focus on pitching a certain kind of company for a while or even on certain days of the week; it just means that they’re not drawing a line in the sand and gearing their website and marketing toward ONLY that niche (effectively closing off any possible opportunities from other types of clients).

Thanks for commenting!

By: Mary Blackiston Sat, 17 Oct 2020 11:18:45 +0000 I agree that copywriters shouldn’t limit themselves in the beginning…But I’m curious: Why wait five years to pick a specialty? I would argue that the length of time isn’t important, rather the number of projects you’ve taken on. If you’ve completed 10 eCommerce projects over the course of 3 months and see there’s a demand for that (and you enjoy doing it), then why not niche down to that sooner?
