Here’s the first piece of good news: Not only are there not enough trained copywriters, but there are also millions of businesses in the world that need copywriting services. There’s really no need for any copywriting competition. (In fact, in the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, we’ve seen students hire other students to work with them on projects … [Read more...]
Your First 5 Steps as a Copywriter
Hey, great news! Your first step as a copywriter is a really easy one: Start calling yourself a copywriter. If that makes you uncomfortable, you can refer to yourself as a copywriter-in-training. But start getting used to the idea that you are a copywriter. You are becoming someone who writes copy for a living. Live it, own it, be it. Second, start educating yourself. … [Read more...]
5 Easy Steps to Overcoming Feeling Overwhelmed (Really)
With all due respect to Nike, sometimes "Just Do It" is easier said than done. Often (and more often than I'd like to admit) when I'm facing a big project, my gut reaction is to shut down, stare into space and deeply, deeply panic. Not so useful. Years ago, when I moved into my first condo, my Mom came out to help me get moved in. I signed the papers, the movers brought the … [Read more...]
“Should I Change Careers?” 3 Signs the Answer is “Yes”
Should you change your career? In a word: Yes. But there are a few signs you need a career change that can help guide you—if you pay attention to them. Here's the thing: If you’re at a point when you’re really, seriously considering changing your career or heading in a different direction than you’ve always gone, guess what? You need a change. Continuing to head in the same … [Read more...]
Are You Doubting Your Copywriting? Good! Here’s Why…
If you’re feeling fear about the prospect of getting into a new career or even doubting your copywriting, that’s a good thing. Believe it or not, it’s a very good thing. Good Copywriting Self Doubt vs. Bad Self Doubt First, before we get too far along, let’s be clear. There are two kinds of fear: There’s the fear you feel when you’re walking down a dark alley and suddenly … [Read more...]
What Should a Copy Doc Look Like?
Starting out as a copywriter, you may wonder what you actually deliver to clients. The document that you put your copy into is usually called a "copy deck" or, even simpler, a "copy doc." Every writer has their own way of formatting copy docs (I'll show you how I do it), but the most important thing is that you make it clear what's what. … [Read more...]