Note: We are not legal experts or tax preparation professionals, so always consult an accountant, tax prep professional, or attorney if you have concerns. This information is aimed at copywriters in the United States. Copywriters in other locations may find this information useful for determining what questions they need to ask and answer based on their country, region, or city.
There are so many types of insurance. As professional copywriters who want to do the right thing, we often feel like we need insurance to … cover ourselves.
But while they may make us feel more professional, they’re often more than we need. And if you ask someone in the insurance industry, of course they’re going to advocate that you get insurance. So, go with your gut and what gives you peace of mind, but do your research, too.
Let’s address a few common types of insurance and whether or not they make sense for copywriters.
General Liability Insurance
This one sounds like it protects you from lawsuits, but that’s not actually what it does. For the most part, general liability insurance is to protect you if a client falls and injures themselves on your property.
But guess what? You don’t have to have your clients over to your house. Meet with them on Zoom. Or, if they request an in-person meeting, you can meet with them at their office. You don’t need insurance for your home office.
Professional Liability/Indemnity Insurance
Professional liability or indemnity insurance covers legal expenses if a client claims that your negligence caused them financial losses.
But, for the most part, your copy is written by you, but then approved by the client. Generally speaking, once the client approves it, they take on any liabilities for errors or issues. Ultimately, they’re putting it out into the world as a representation of themselves.
Disability Insurance
This one might be worth thinking about, depending on your financial situation.
Here’s the question to ask yourself: if you got hurt or sick and couldn’t work for a few weeks or a few months, would you and your family be okay or would you be in trouble? If it’s the latter, it might be worth researching short or long term disability insurance to help tide you over until you can get back to work.
By and large, copywriters do not need insurance. But, if you’re feeling like you may need it in your situation, definitely talk with a professional to get peace of mind.
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Your Turn! Did you decide to get insurance for your copywriting business? Why or why not?
Last Updated on July 5, 2023
Thank you for providing the facts and relevant information regarding whether to insure or not to insure. I’m still new to copywriting but once I open for business, I won’t be bothering with insurance. Why? For at least one of the reasons you mentioned. But, more importantly, because I own my own land, the taxes are very low and, being a prepper/survivalist type of person, I’m ready for whatever may come. Food, water, natural medicines, etc., ready and waiting. Personally, I think that it’s nice to know that I can’t lose everything I own due to a disgruntled client. ?…oops…?.
Hi Kim! Glad you found the article helpful — looks like you’ve got a good plan!