On today's Laser Coaching call, Nicki and Kate meet with a CCA student who is wondering "what's next?" and where to focus her energy. She is ready to start pitching but unsure of the best way to do that and how the follow-up process to pitching works. Listen in to this info-packed coaching call for tips and how to find your freelance clients! Looking for closed … [Read more...]
Episode 135: Are Portfolio Schools Worth It?
Portfolio schools are most often two-year programs that teach writers to build their portfolio. They pair students with designers to work together to create and curate pieces for your portfolio. While this may sounds great, there are also drawbacks. In this episode, Nicki and Kate break down the pros and cons of portfolio school, what it really means to get a certificate at … [Read more...]
Ep. 134: Keep Copywriting Fun: 3 Must-Implement Business Boundaries
Copywriting is a super fun career. But, occasionally, you'll notice you have no time in your schedule, you're super stressed, and you're wondering what happened to the "fun." Sound familiar? It's very likely you're moving your business boundaries—or you never implemented them in the first place. Nicki and Kate dig in to business rules you need to create in three … [Read more...]
Episode 132: Using Copywriting to Build a Second Business—Karen’s Story
On today's episode, our hosts interview Karen, a Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student, homeschooling mother of children with autism, and a new business owner! They discuss her road to copywriting and what her new career has brought her family. Karen has found incredible success as a copywriter and credits it to the CCA. She is now starting her own business while working … [Read more...]
What Are Your Copywriting Business Rules?
Rules can often feel constricting, but when it comes to our businesses, that's what helps us stay on track. They're what we need when we're wearing our CEO hats. So, today, we're going to come up with your copywriting business rules so you can make decisions faster (and that are in line with how you want to run your business). You can also think of copywriting business rules … [Read more...]
Ep. 59: Buying a New Home with Copywriting Income – Shannon’s Story
Eight years ago Shannon, a Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student, had to leave the workforce to try and manage her fibromyalgia. She continued looking for a job that would not only bring in income, but, as she says, "fuel her soul" and allow her to set her schedule. Within one year of joining the CCA, Shannon went from relying on the food bank to being able to buy a new … [Read more...]
Ep. 58: Gifts to Give Your Copywriting Business
It's time to treat yourself—and your business. Nicki and Kate are digging into gifts you can give your business, but these aren't your typical gifts. These are gifts that can help move your business forward, whether by giving you more time to focus on your business, boosting your skills, or taking care of your business's greatest asset: you. Looking for … [Read more...]
Ep. 57: 4 Ways Copywriters Can Accept Payments
As a copywriter, your goal is to ultimately get paid, right? But as a freelance copywriter, how do you ensure clients can pay you as easily as possible? Nicki and Kate break down four of the most common ways that copywriters can accept payments. As you know, our team is very much against paying for anything that isn't going to pay for itself or help move your business forward … [Read more...]
Ep. 55: Building a Copywriting Side Hustle With a Full-Time Job – Claire’s Story
Claire always dreamed of going into marketing and fell into a job in a completely different industry. While she loves her full-time job, she still held onto her dream of breaking into marketing. She decided to join the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy (CCA) in February of 2021, landed her first client three weeks after pitching, and now has a consistent workload from several … [Read more...]
Ep. 50: Should I Put Copywriting Rates on My Website?
Some copywriters will tell you putting prices on your website makes you more transparent. When phrased like that, it sounds like a no-brainer, right? However, as Nicki and Kate dig into in this episode, no two homepages or emails or any other project are 100% alike, so how can you put a price on your website if you don't even know what the project entails? Listing prices can … [Read more...]